Sunday, June 12, 2005

Gone South for the Summer

Have a good summer, all you Spare Wheel readers!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

what does it mean?

all the way around we see things we don't understand, feel things we could not have imagined, and forget things we never knew. what does this say about who we are? or who we think we are? or does it say anything at all?

what does it mean when you long for something you've never even seen? something you've never known - you just know it's out there. it's already a part of who you are, you just don't know what it is yet.

this is me.

looking for something that i've lost, but never had to begin with. trusting that i'll recognise it, should i be blessed to trip across it in the first place.

in this world where we're supposed to have it all together and figured out - even in the Christian world where we really ought not believe this or have this as a focus - it's kind of radical to say boldly: "i'm looking for something and i haven't found it yet." and what's more to say: "i don't plan to stop searching until i find it."

and to be wasting my time typing (and yours reading) attempting to explain things that words don't express? kind of silly. it's all emotion. it's all too deep and too strong and passion filled for mere words. english is such an inadequate language to begin with, and the fact that so few of us use it well (this includes me... oh yes, big time!) doesn't help.

one thing that maybe is worth mentioning, though - there is a parallel to be drawn from this search, from this something that we've never seen and yet know is out there somewhere.

Christians and non-Christians alike all have this built-in sense of "something more"... just not everybody acknowledges it. people who don't believe or haven't heard of what Jesus did for them are all on some kind of search (or anti-search)... developing their philosophies or their truths or their version of spirituality... whatever... but there is a search underway. because this human form was designed to house a spirit that was created for somewhere beyond this earth, it's as though some kind of honing device was integrated into the creation drawing it back towards the Creator Himself.

and for the believer, the "this world is not my home" should become a personal truth that encourages us on as we struggle through life on earth. we know we're here to accomplish something to carry out God's plan... but what a relief to know that this messed up world isn't the final destination! and moreover, i think most of us could do a lot better at not holding on so tightly to the trappings of this world.... who am i to talk... i like the gadgets, and the technology, and the entertainment... but on some things, i do try to draw the line.

my fear is that a lot of Christians today are swinging so far into the way the world does things that nobody can see the difference. what's the point of being so-called "relevant" to our culture today if they don't see you as being or having anything different than they themselves have? no, it's all about love... God's love... Christ's love... and our decisions and choices being driven by that great love that saved us. when we live out this love, we ARE different... and in a world that needs His love, you'd better believe that we'll be mighty relevant to the culture today. we're as relevant as water or air... it's crucial to ultimate survival! that's freakin' relevant, my friends.

man - i don't think we talk enough about this stuff. what are we spending our time on? how can the plants grow more if we don't realise that we've stopped watering them? how can we expect to stay on track with God if we don't constantly ask Him what He wants from us? it's too easy to fall away.... too easy. never say it won't happen to you. or else you just might be the one that satan tries for next. i pray it will never be so... maybe you ought to too?