Friday, August 19, 2005

gained another blog

i'm getting quite the collection of blogs... i used to collect email addresses, now the fashion is blogs with me, i suppose.

the good news is that the latest blog, All 2 Him, is going to be all about The Good News!

it's an idea i've dreamed about for a long time now - using the online world for something more than the mundane stuff i use it for. and now i'm trying to make good on the dream.

stay tuned - it's looking like a Fall launch... keep checking back in the meantime!

Friday, August 12, 2005

back for the duration

so i'm back home from the states

i really enjoyed it there... kind of weird to make the adjustment back, though. i suppose it helps that my last experience there was an amazing one, which makes me wish i didn't have to leave so soon.

the Territorial School of Music and Gospel Arts (the camp previously known as "National") is starting up once again in a short two weeks. i'm thinking this is it for me... i say that to an extent every year, but this really feels like the final fling. so i'd better make the most of it.

the "Donna Dimension" is messed up once again. a big huge disaster happened when i was stateside and much data was lost. but that's no big deal, since the database was safe and all my blog entries are still there. it's just time to do a new site. like *really* do it. but first, i want that blog up and running again, so i can get rid of the "mundane" on here and get back to the "insane" - something like that.

i doubt anybody reads this anyway... (my apologies if you are... but hey, let me know you were here so i can never say that again!) only a few read my other blog that went missing, so even those readers are long out of the habit. *sigh* my quest to engage the internet masses with something meaningful continues.

the dreaded question remains over my life right now - what now? why is it dreaded? i guess because i don't have an answer and i'm so concerned that other people seem to think i ought to have an answer. screw that... i need to get my answers from God. people input is only as good as the God input that is getting pumped through them. man, i need some serious God input right now.

it's time to GO - but where?
